Who we are



Behind every Valfrutta juice, tomato sauce and fruit or vegetable, there is a whole production chain formed of farmers, technicians, plants, technologies, controls and research, because we only want to bring nature at its best to your table.

The quality of the raw materials is guaranteed not only by careful choice of the plant varieties and the best growing areas, but also the agricultural techniques used in the field and the picking methods and times, which follow the natural rhythms of the land.

We have always focused on guaranteeing the final product is fresh and healthy, but also on ensuring that its original characteristics are maintained as far as possible, meaning its freshness, flavour and vitamin and mineral salt content, which are what makes it healthy and pleasant to eat.

The growing and picking methods, the transformation processes and the packaging phases are based on these principles and undergo a strict system of controls performed by hundreds of agronomists, laboratory technicians and researchers, but also, and most importantly, the work of the farmers, who comply with strict production regulations, the core values of which are quality of the products and respect for the environment.

Whether sauce, pulp or peeled, when you choose Valfrutta tomatoes, you choose a tomato from our crops in: Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Lombardy , Veneto , Lazio , Umbria for sauces and pulps, Puglia , Basilicata and Molise for peeled tomatoes. We work every day to provide a transparent, high-quality and entirely Italian production chain, guaranteed by Valfrutta and guaranteed by its members. 


100% Italian tomatoes

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